
Series 5000 - Students

5110 Admission to the Public Schools at or Before Age Five

5111 Admission/Placement

5113 Attendance, Truancy, and Chronic Absenteeism

5114 Student Discipline

5116 Recess and Play-Based Learning

5118 Nonresident Attendance

5119 Homeless Children and Youth

5120 Pledge of Allegiance

5122 Assigning Students to a Teacher and Classes

5125 Confidentiality and Access to Student Records

5127 Drug and Alcohol Use by Students

5129 Chemical Health for Student Athletes

5130 Bullying Prevention and Intervention

5132 Student Dress

5138 Adding or Eliminating Interscholastic Sports or Clubs

5140 Wellness

5141 Administration of Student Medications in the Schools

5143 Management Plan and Guidelines for Students with Food Allergies, Glycogen Storage Disease and/or Diabetes

5144 Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students and Use of Exclusionary Time Out

5145 Students and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act

5146 Health Assessments/Screenings

5147 Immunizations

5148 Child Sexual Abuse and Assault Response and Reporting

5149 Suicide Prevention and Intervention

5150 Search and Seizure

5151 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

5152 Non-Discrimination

5153 Educational Stability Procedures

5154 Fundraising Activities

5155 Field Trips

5156 Student Privacy

5157 Student Use of the District Computer Systems

5158 Use of Private Technological Devices by Students

5160 Transportation

5164 Graduation Requirements

5165 Sunscreen Application in School

5166 Improving Completion Rates of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

5167 Meal Charging
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