English Language Learners or "ELL" refers to students who are not native English speakers and are currently working toward proficiency in English. They are provided support in all academic areas. In the Clinton Public Schools, our English Learner program is staffed by certified TESOL and World Language teachers who work collaboratively with our literacy and math interventionists, classroom teachers and our dedicated and caring paraprofessionals. Our EL staff work to provide quality instructional and English language learning support to all of our EL students in order for them to become independent learners in the mainstream classroom.
At the elementary and middle school levels our instructional support is planned by our EL teachers who work both in the classroom setting to provide scaffolded language support, as well as through a pull-out model where students work in small groups to improve their English. Native language support is provided to our Spanish speaking students as needed.
At the high school level our instructional support is provided by the EL teacher and EL paraprofessional. The EL teacher provides instructional classes in which the students receive credit towards their high school diploma. The EL paraprofessional supports EL students in their mainstream classes. The Reading Literacy consultant and the EL teacher work to support mainstream teachers in order to provide scaffolding, modifications, and other supports for our EL students. Native language assistance is provided to our Spanish speaking students as needed.
We also work closely with Shoreline Adult Education, the education program for adult English Learners, which holds evening classes at The Morgan School and Saturday morning Family Literacy classes at Joel School to ensure a partnership with our English Learner families. For more information please visit their website at https://www.shorelineadulted.org or call 203-488-5693.
Parent Notification and Permission for ELL Services - Form ELL-001
Notificacion a los Padres y el Permiso para los servicios ELL - Form ELL-001-SP
Parent Notification of Exit from ELL Services - Form ELL-002
ELL Program Eligibility Form - Form ELL-003